Sunday Dec 31, 2017
ana016: The Future of Cities
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
In a rare in-person episode, Tim and Joe speculate about how technological trends will shape the future of cities.
Use hashtag #ana016 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana016.
Joe's report from the future: Living in Australia is like living 15 years ago in the US
Actually, Amazon Australia Launched 3 weeks after we recorded this episode. WE MAKE THE FUTURE HAPPEN
Australia's NBN: National Boondoggle Network
By the time it's installed, it's obsolete
Crowding out private investment
A perfect example of why governments shouldn't build infrastructure
Status quo thinking
Grandiose infrastructure projects vs. necessary maintenance
The Strong Towns approach
Smart Cities
Sensors and centralized management
Algorithms and AI
Informing future development
Roads and complexity - Can AI optimize traffic?
Smart grids - balancing demand
Hayekian knowledge problem
How useful is all of this information?
What's the real benefit?
Incremental development vs. political grandstanding
Joe's market solution for traffic light priority
To optimize road systems, privatize them
Automated Vehicles
A giant leap, or incremental adoption?
Communication, reaction time, and automatic re-routing
Vast improvements in vehicle safety
Induced demand
Expanding the suburban catchment area: an exponential relationship
Urbanization, Suburbanization and Exurbanization
Robots building robots to build other things
Benefits of face to face meetings
Milton Keynes - No relation to defunct economists
Patrik Schumacher's EXTREME view: a 15 minute commute is too far
Economies of agglomeration
"Cities are the brains that direct the rural muscle"
Ed Glaeser - Triumph of the City
Skyscrapers and Universities
"We could be the new Pittsburgh!"
Another Adelaide boondoggle - the new medical precinct
Adelaide's coming rental market crash
Foreign buyers will lose their shirts
A paucity of safe investment opportunities - because CENTRAL BANKS
Job opportunities draw people to cities
Slums and favelas - a symptom of opportunity
Resourcefulness of slum dwellers to compensate for lack of capital
Property rights for slums
The Long Now Foundation
Demographics - Human population as an "S" curve
Feeding the Cities
Vertical Farms - might make sense if they're horizontal
A long way from crowding out the land
Permaculture - pigs are high tech
Monoculture - the result of subsidies
Automated Delivery
Online grocery shopping - more energy efficient
Night time deliveries
Fedex's parking ticket manager
Automated Vehicles, Congestion, and Parking
Drop you off, go park itself
Changing multimodal transit
Dynamic routes - adapting to needs in real time
Doubling peak hour congestion?
Eliminating on street parking?
Induced demand strikes again
Peter Thiel - "We wanted flying cars, and we got 140 characters"
Jetsons? Rin tin tin? Flubber? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!
Automated vehicles are a necessary prerequisite to flying cars
Flipping the city upside down
Streets become streets again - more public spaces
Don't park - Hover!
Helicopter taxis in Sao Paulo
Energy density is essential
Micro nukes flying around the city driven by self-aware AI's - what could possibly go
Other Advances in Energy
Thorium reactors
Virtual power plants - aggregating decentralized power sources
"Behind the meter" schemes
Solar farm shares rather than roof-mounted
Photovoltaic roof shingles
Solar roads - a non-starter
Your car can power your house
Quick charging stations
Construction Industry Technology
Modular construction
Bricklaying robots
Tim loves watching masons work
3D printed buildings
Drone cranes - what could possibly go wrong?
Japanese demolition - No more working at heights
VR Drone site visits
Holographic design
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Will we still build real places?
Authenticity matters
Cities provide authentic experiences
VR allows people to live where they want
Virtual 20th High School Reunion is better than the real thing
Are haptic hugs creepy?
The Future of Politics
A path to privatization?
The trend towards decentralization favors free markets and deregulation
Technology - tool for liberation or control?
Liberty Minecraft - The Virtual Built Environment of a Stateless Society
Two trends: individualization and voluntary socialization
Two more trends: Technology disrupting jobs and technology creating ultra-abundance
Low skilled workers becoming more entrepreneurial
Passive income opportunities
Reason to be optimistic
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says NBN was a mistake and it may never make money
Traffic Jam Experiment (Video)
Automated Cars in Intersections - Pretty sure this is faked, but illustrates the idea.
Ed Glaeser - Triumph of the City
Seminars About Long Term Thinking (SALT)
Clock of the Long Now (Danny Hillis SALT Talk)
Stewart Brand on Cities and Demographics (SALT Talk)
Drew Sample - Urban Permaculture
Peter Thiel's Manifesto About Flying Cars (and some other stuff). TL;DR
Blockchain based "Behind the Meter" Scheme in Australia
Tesla's Photovoltaic Roof Shingles
China: 57-Story Skyscraper built in 19 Days
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
ana015: A Latticework of Harmony | Tim on Peaceful Anarchism
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Tim was interviewed on Danilo Cuellar's "Peaceful Anarchism" Podcast.
A fun and wide-ranging discussion leaving no stone unturned.
Use hashtag #ana015 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment.
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana015.
"It's all about the jokes."
Summary of The Foundations Series
Divestiture of property
Libertarians colonizing the moon
Private ownership of public space
Homesteading for public use
Divesting government property
Public forms of ownership
Why the 90's were a joke
How Tim became a libertarian
The genesis of Anarchitecture podcast
Ron Paul, the exception that proves the rule that politicians are dirtbags
The scales framework, revisited
Resolving conflict at different scales of the built environment
You don't need national defense if you don't have a nation
Democratic nation-states put a target on the back of every citizen
38% of land mass is owned by Federal and State governments. Most is in western states. Local government land ownership and roads may increase this percentage.
Government owned property is a honeypot for invaders
Property divestiture makes government less necessary
Private ownership and competition of power utilities, roads, water distribution
Monopoly and its malcontents
Everyone loves parks
Preservation through privatization
London's Green Belt
The destructive effects of "free" government roads
Government trains vs. private trains
Improving road safety through private ownership of roads
40,000 people die each year on US roads.
Tim's favorite quote: "Tu Ne Cede Malis, Sed Contra Audentior Ito" - Ludwig von Mises' personal motto, from Virgils "The Aeneid" (Which we read in 3rd year Latin class and promptly forgot).
Antarchitecture, revisited
"A latticework of harmony" - Beautiful!
Important announcements
Danilo Cuellar's Peaceful Anarchism
The Foundations Series - Including The Scales Framework and Antarchitecture
Gardner Goldsmith hasn't updated his website in a while... We can relate.
Harry Browne on Maximizing Personal Freedom
The Ludwig Von Mises Institute
Morris and Linda Tannehil - The Market for Liberty
Christopher Chase Rachels - A Spontaneous Order
Annual Road Death Toll in the US
Kevin Carson- The Distorting Effects of Transportation Subsidies
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
ana014: Private Ownership of Public Space | Part 2: Exploring Opt-In Trusts
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tim and Joe deep-dive on some of the ideas that Tim presented in his 2017 Porcfest speech (ana013). In particular, we consider opportunities and challenges of privatizing public space using “opt-in trusts.”
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana014.
Read the rest of this entry »Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
ana013: Private Ownership of Public Space | Part 1: Tim’s Porcfest Speech
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tim presented a speech at the 14th Annual Porcupine Freedom Festival (Porcfest), titled “Private Ownership of Public Space in Post-State Cities.” He addressed three key questions:
1. What is “public space” and why should libertarians care about it?
2. How can public use be preserved under private ownership?
3. How can state owned spaces be divested into private ownership?
This episode features a brief discussion about Porcfest, and the full recording of Tim’s speech.
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana013.
Read the rest of this entry »Friday Mar 31, 2017
ana012: Patrik Schumacher (4 of 4) | Post-Interview Commentary
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Tim and Joe review Anarchitecture’s interview with Patrik Schumacher, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects (Episode #ana011), to clarify and highlight key points. We elaborate on topics including historical architectural styles, computer-generated design, parametric urbanism, and the challenges of promoting radical ideas.
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana012.
Read the rest of this entry »Friday Mar 31, 2017
ana011: Patrik Schumacher (3 of 4) | The Interview
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Tim interviews Patrik Schumacher, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects, at the Zaha Hadid Design Gallery in London. Topics include:
Architectural theory
The style of parametricism
Patrik’s journey from Marxism to anarcho-capitalism
Rule-based order through bottom-up convergences
How do we communicate radical ideas, whether architectural or political?
Is there value in shock value?
What is the role and limits of urban planning?
Parametric urbanism
The future of market-based urban order
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana011.
Read the rest of this entry »Friday Mar 31, 2017
ana010: Patrik Schumacher (2 of 4) | Media Maelstrom
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
The second of four episodes in our series about Patrik Schumacher, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects. Tim and Joe review and critique the media responses to Patrik’s controversial presentation about housing at the World Architecture Festival in November 2016.
Two of these articles, by the Guardian’s Oliver Wainwright and architectural writer Phineas Harper, are presented for extended criticism.
We had a little too much fun with this one.
Topics include:
Responses from London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Zaha Hadid Architects, protestors, and supporters (sort of)
Extended critique of Oliver Wainwright’s article in The Guardian:
Did Zaha Hadid “dismiss” Patrik’s theoretical work in parametricism?
Gurgaon – a mostly private city in India
Are “thought experiments” valid and meaningful?
The housing crisis can be explained in three words: Great Crested Newts
Noam Chomsky on anarcho-capitalism
A new off-Broadway play, “Syndicalism in One Act”
Extended critique of Phineas Harper’s article in Dezeen:
What social justice warriors and the alt-right have in common
Government solutions are the simple solutions. Market solutions require more complex thinking.
Child labor
Poverty and welfare
Neoliberalism, Thatcherism, and Hayek-ianism
Adam Smith was NOT the godfather of the free market. More like the weird uncle.
The intern architect who predicted the 2008 financial crisis
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana010.
Read the rest of this entry »Friday Mar 31, 2017
ana009: Patrik Schumacher (1 of 4) | Introduction and Housing Controversy
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
This is the first in a series of four episodes about Patrik Schumacher, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects, one of the world’s premier architecture firms. Patrik is also an author, professor, lecturer, and architectural theorist.
In November 2016, Patrik gave a presentation at the World Architecture Festival promoting libertarian and even anarcho-capitalist solutions to London’s housing crisis. In the midst of the media maelstrom that followed, Tim wrote a blog post, presented in this episode, that defined anarcho-capitalism and defended Patrik’s proposals.
Then things got interesting…
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana009.
Read the rest of this entry »Sunday Dec 18, 2016
ana008: Way Beyond the Roads | The Tom Woods Show Ep. 802 plus Post-game
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
We were recently interviewed on The Tom Woods Show.
This episode includes the discussion with Tom, plus a “post-game” discussion to further clarify some of the points raised during the interview.
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana008.
Read the rest of this entry »Saturday Nov 05, 2016
ana007: Citizen of Nowhere | Part 2: Joe’s Immigration Ordeal
Saturday Nov 05, 2016
Saturday Nov 05, 2016
Drawing on Joe’s own immigration experiences, we dig deeper into the “Freedom of Movement” conversation and discuss green cards, spouse visas, citizenship, immigrant enclaves, sidewalk entrepreneurship, book clubs, and “Moral Turpitude.”
Part 2 of the Citizen of Nowhere Series.
View full show notes at anarchitecturepodcast.com/ana007.
Read the rest of this entry »